My 2020 Recap

What a fucking year.
& that’s the post. See you at the end of 2021 lol.
Okay BUT FOR REAL, this year was the most TRANSFORMATIVE year of my life yet (pretty sure I said the same thing last year, but this year ACTUALLY WAS). Every month brought a new obstacle, new lesson, and my next step in this journey of growth.
For the last two years, I’ve been putting together recaps of the year and although I haven’t posted on my blog *in literally a year*, I definitely wanted to put together my recap for 2020. So much has happened and I can absolutely say that my life now looks NOTHING like it did at the start of the year… so here we go.
Started the year off on our *somewhat* annual family cruise! For the first time in yeaaaars, I celebrated my birthday with my family and it was so so heartwarming. I guess looking back, this years birthday was some serious foreshadowing for how the end of my year would look… but anyways…
I flew back to Los Angeles with my then boyfriend with so so much hope for what this new year (and new DECADE) was going to bring.
Biggggg month. Started it off with a surprise birthday trip to Temecula! While that trip was so so fun, it also changed the entire course of the year… I won’t go into detail… but man, I have the best best friend in the world. Love you @Jill
I shot the first collection for my brand new clothing store, Imagine It Yours, which was super exciting!
The month was very rocky, and ended with me breaking up with my long term boyfriend. I struggled with that decision for the entire month but by the end of it, I knew it was something that unfortunately needed to happen.
EVEN BIGGER MONTH. Went to Disneyland for Jill’s 26th bday, little did we know that would be our last time there for a LONG time. Started hearing talk about “the coronavirus”. Had weekly work days with Jill and I vividly remember one of our last ones… “yeah people are saying this might become a pandemic… it would change everything as we know it!” … “omg no… like there’s no way hahahah”.
Well, we all know how that worked out.
Launched my clothing store - and sold out in the first day. Blew my mind.
My dad came to save the day, and we got my FENCE covered up (bye bye witchy). Same day we covered the fence, I hit one of my biggest and longest milestones… I hit 1 MILLION subscribers on my YouTube channel. Been working towards that goal for 7 years, and there are no words to describe how grateful I am for having it finally happen.
March 19th, my mom’s birthday, and the day we officially were told we were going into a “30 day lockdown”. 30 days my ASS.
This month was full of whipped coffees, tiktoks, FaceTimes, and EGG CHAIR time! Wow, miss that thing.
Lockdown was extended and this was when I started trying to get creative and do fun & safe things at home (needed content desperately lol). So I transformed my storage closet into a tiktok room!! I also started playing A LOT of animal crossings lol
Started going on “FaceTime dates” hahah... oh 2020, what a time to be newly single.
I spent A LOT of time working on my tan hahaha I couldn’t really go anywhere, so I had to take advantage of the sun. My friend Tasha came over frequently to tan together since she also lived alone (and let’s be honest, isolation is HARD).
This month I met a guy over FaceTime that I liked enough from a few FaceTime dates to go on a socially distanced walk with! Big moves!!! Haha
June was a highly educational and emotional month for obvious reasons.
I continued to go out with that guy, I went on more hikes & I also got started on my patio renovations!
I started to get more comfortable in July (or desperate, whichever you choose lol) and I started expanding my bubble from one other person to like 6. My friends Brian & Tom had a pool in their backyard so we started to spend the weekends over there. We figured since we were all outside, it was our safest bet.
This was obviously frowned upon, but I had to weigh the odds of safe & sanity. Very thankful that none of us ever got exposed to covid, or even second hand exposed (here’s hoping for the same in 2021).
Was still seeing *certain man lol*, we went on some hikes, and did lots of little LA activities (all outside and safe of course)!
I ended things with *certain man* at the beginning of the month and chopped off my hair lol, decided I was bored of men, just wanted to focus on me.
Started renovating my MASTER BATHROOM, finally.
I officially signed into a deal with SPOTIFY, to host their new dating show called Blind Dating!
This is when I hit a wall. First week of September was full of tears, tears, and more tears. I was tired of being so alone, but too scared to go home to my family with the fear of maybe infecting them.
Jill and I went to the beach one day to make little friendship bracelets, and I am SO thankful now for that day.
I ended up pulling the trigger and booked a flight home for a few days later, I just couldn’t do it anymore and needed my family.
September 10th I finally left LA and haven’t been back since. The moment I landed in Toronto I just couldn’t hold back the tears. I finally didn’t have to be alone anymore. I spent pretty much the entire rest of the month in quarantine, but every day was a day I could finally breathe again. It went fast and then I was finally free, and finally home.
Moved into my very first TORONTO apartment… definitely didn’t see that one coming. Signed a lease, had the keys a couple days later.
Got to experience a TRUE fall for the first time in probably 6 years and I loved every moment of it! I started falling in love with the city I grew up in.
Lots of hikes, a trip to Muskoka, and celebrated Canadian thanksgiving with a LOT to be thankful for.
November 1st, our first snowfall of the season & the christmas music came on IMMEDIATELY!
November 3rd, the US election and MAN WAS THAT STRESSFUL LOL.
November 6th, got to reconnect with my high school BFF for the first time in 7 years!!!!!! ILY @Char
Fell more in love with the city, and realized I wasn’t missing Los Angeles… at all.
Lunch dates with Charlotte, coffee with Carter, hikes with my family, it was an overall really good month.
December 2020, we made it.
As per usual I did vlogmas this year so the month is an absolute blur. Despite being in lockdown, it was overall pretty good.
Started to love winter again (we’ll see how long that lasts), got to work with PORSCHE, saw lots of pretty lights, and finished off the year with merging my 2 YouTube channels. I’ve wanted to merge my channels for years but I was so nervous that it wouldn’t go well, but I’m incredibly thankful that it was well received through vlogmas and I can’t wait for the content I’m going to create in 2021!
I’m so beyond excited that we finally made it to the LAST DAY of this insane year. I can’t decide if it went by incredibly fast or if it felt like we just lived 3 years in 1. While January 1st is just another day, I’m so relieved that we’re going into a fresh new beginning. Nothing will look that different but it’s the perfect opportunity to start a new mindset and set new intentions. Here’s hoping the end of this year looks a hell of a lot nicer than the end of this one!
Happy new year, and all my love,
xo Tara