
Greece (the good, the bad, and the ugly)
Greece? The good, the bad, and the ugly…? Honestly there wasn’t much bad or ugly except the INSANE storm we got caught in on our first day in Greece.
We had 2 days back to back in Greece on our cruise, first Olympia and then Athens. Having never been to Greece I was incredible excited when we stepped off the boat in Olympia…
So let’s start there!
Olympia, Greece
When it rains… It POURS
We hopped off the boat to unusually dark skies and humidity which was slightly concerning as we were hoping for a nice sunny day to kick off our days in Greece. We purchased 2 bus tickets to take us into the ancient archeological sites of Olympia, where the Olympic Games were started back in the 8th century B.C.
Unfortunately as the bus drove closer to the grounds, the skies only got darker with more than a few strikes of lightning lighting up the sky. Needless to say, as soon as we got to our destination it started to POUR. Not just regular rain, it was a full blown storm.
We were not at all dressed for this kind of weather and we booked it to the museum for some shelter! We spent some time looking around the museum while we waited for the rain to pass but it wasn’t slowing down…
Basically we decided F-it, we’re in Greece and there is no reason to waste our time because of some silly rain! We braced ourselves and walked out of the museum (which had no power anymore because of the storm) and we were on our way to the archeological sites.
It was absolutely beautiful and when we were out there, I couldn’t care less that I was soaking wet. We were walking through puddles of mud but didn’t even notice. It was pretty incredible getting to look at all the old ruins and just picturing what it would’ve been like, it’s truly like walking through history.
Unfortunately we spent so much time hiding from the rain that we had to hurry back to our bus to get back to the boat in time. As soon as we got back on the bus, it stopped raining… just our luck eh?
Regardless of how the day went, I really did have an incredible time and was so looking forward to a (hopefully sunny) full day in Athens!
Athens, Greece
FINALLY the Greece I expected!! Getting off the boat in Athens was exactly what I imaged, sunny and hot! We figured a bus tour would be a good plan, so we bought our tickets and head straight for the Acropolis!
We spent an hour up around the Acropolis once we finally had our tickets and finished the hike up to the top! All of the ancient buildings up there were mind blowing to look at in person. It was so cool getting to walk around the historic architectures of the Acropolis and the Parthenon.
PS. I wasn’t expecting the MASS AMOUNTS OF WIND UP THERE… seriously, it was crazy.
Immediately after we left the Acropolis, we had the opportunity to meet 2 lovely subscribers who we’re waiting 3 hours for us there! We invited them out for some sangria to thank them for being such loyal and loving viewers and it was an experience I’ll never forget! Much love to you Demetra & Anastasia ♥
Everything we got to see in Athens just took my breath away. It was beautiful. With so many cute boutiques and restaurants, there just wasn’t nearly enough time!
We spent most of our time after the Acropolis with the lovely viewers we met and then afterwards just enjoyed walking around the town. There were so many cute boutiques that we went into, and even bought matching bracelets (I haven’t taken mine off since!!).
That night we saw one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever had the privilege to see! We were just walking on the deck of the cruise and you could see all the Greek Islands in the distance with the most insane colors behind them.
Despite the storm on our first day in Greece, I loved it so so much & am eagerly awaiting the time I get to go back. I’d love to visit all the different Greek islands like Santorini and/or Mykonos! Have any of you been there??
Hope you enjoyed this next installment of my Europe trip… one more to go and then I get to share my FASHION DIARY!! Look forward to it 😉
Until next time! xo