Instagram Beach Party

Instagram Beach Party #INSTABEACH
As we all know, I’m a big fan of Instagram…like a BIG fan.
For years I have worked on perfecting my themes, feeds, whatever you wanna call it. Crazily enough, I got invited to Instagram’s #INSTABEACH party! Obviously I was gonna have to be there. The invite basically just said that it would be fun on the beach…which is exactly what it was, although with a nice little ‘Instagram’ flare. It was basically every Instagrammers beach day dream… all the floaties, props, popsicles, etc that anyone would want in their pictures!
Lowkey I think it was my first time ever flying a kite…but I NAILED IT! It was so much fun running up and down the beach making sure it didn’t fall, I honestly felt like a kid again!! They actually also had a station where they handed out headphones for a ‘silent party’. It’s super unique and SO crazy cool. As soon as you have the sound proof headphones on, you’re instantly transported to a RAGER ahaha, it was really funny watching everyone dance around!
\\ Outfit Details \\
Tube Top: HERE
Denim Shorts: HERE
Double Buckle Belt: HERE
It was SUCH a fun party, we definitely took full advantage of all the cute stuff they had everywhere! They even had cornhole (which I definitely sucked at lol). Obviously you can have a great day at the beach without all of the fun props, but I highly recommend getting some for your next trip to the beach hehe!