A Day in DTLA

As a lot of you guys know, I live in Downtown Los Angeles. If you didn't know, now you do! I've lived here since I moved to California 4 years ago (which is seriously so crazy, where has the time gone?).
My friend Melody and I went shooting one afternoon and got a bunch of fun pictures around downtown! We may have gotten in trouble at one point, but there was no stopping us!
Never a dull moment in DTLA...
Having lived in downtown for the entirety of my life in Los Angeles, it truly does not get boring. As per usual, I'm wearing a very simple outfit that's perfect for a random outing in your neighborhood! In the photo to the left, we're at the Ace Hotel and totally had to run before anyone spotted us taking pictures (apparently against their policies). OH WELL! We still got the shot ;)
Quick little outfit change...
The left photo above was taken in a parking garage, where the woman working there told us we weren't allowed there?! It's a parking lot?! We were unsure of why we were told to leave, but we stayed anyways. The woman yelled at us when we left. She didn't even know we were taking photos though, so... not sure about that one. Either way, we got the shot and head out to one of my favorite coffee shops in downtown.
Verve, Downtown LA
Highly recommend their sweetened latte with almond milk, it's delicious! Expensive, but delicious.
The day came to an end at yet another DTLA hotel (though I forget the name of this one). We took a few quick pictures while getting some strange looks from the passers by.
And that was our cute downtown LA day!
If you're into photography, go check out your own neighborhood for some cool new shots! You can always find something cool and different!
Until next time, XO